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The New World of Work in The Netherlands

I was trying to make an overview of communities and sites concerning the New World of Work in The Netherlands, “Het Nieuwe Werken”. I came up with the following alphabetical list, which is not complete off course. I excluded all vendors and only added non branded communities.

  • Ambtenaar 2.0, a community with more than 2500 members looking into the new government worker, with regular open coffee events and lots of activity online. Ambtenaar 2.0 is a more open variety of Overheid 2.0, a more closed community on Government 2.0
  • Het Nieuwe Werken Blog, a pure blog written by some the thoughtleaders in the Netherlands on this subject, active since february 2009
  • Het Nieuwe Werken op Lindedin, a group with more than 4700 members and 154 recent discussions
  • Innovatief Organiseren, a platform started by, active since september 2006
  • Nework community op Linkedin, a closed community with 200 members (of which 88 registered at linkedin) and quarterly meetings
  • Over Het Nieuwe Werken, a community and conference initiated by Kluwer
  • Telewerkforum, a foundation active since 1995 and supported by 88 companies
  • Vernieuwing in Werk, a more recent community with more than 250 members, active online and in meetups
  • Werken 2.0, a blog with more than 563 articles on the subject and also an overview of the communities on linkedin and ning

To show how much content is being added on this theme I performed a Google search on “Het Nieuwe Werken” delivers about 72.400 results. A more loosely executed search on this theme gets you more than 4 million results. The theme is hot in The Netherlands and based on some discussions with people outside of the Netherlands I think were somewhat ahead of the troops. But I doubt if this is true…

Fo you know of other initiatives in The Netherlands or Global initiative? Do you have an opinion on the state of The New World of Work in a global perspective? Let us know!

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