
windows 7 on my macbook

Yesterday I installed Parallels 4 and Windows 7 on my MacBook. Main reason was to get more out of Sharepoint. YNNO, the company I work for, is using Sharepoint 2007 for more than a year now. Since I am using a mac some features are not fully available (only IE is fully supported). Some other company sites are not fully available on the Mac.

So I finally made up my mind, I would use parallels and windows. Of course Windows 7 RC1 was my Windows version of choice.

After making a final backup using timemachine, I moved on downloading the software obtaining the right licencing keys. Parallels installation was fine and the installation of Windows 7 went perfect. I used these two blogpost to get it al working, the first at and the other one at lockernerd. When all my windows 7 settings were done and everything was working fine I went to tryout all the stuff I was missing in Safari. Of course the IE version of choice was IE8.

The first thing that went wrong was the windows explorer integration. It did not even appear in the actions menu. Opening the library direct inside windows explorer did not work as well. The second was the richtext editing in a wiki, still have to use HTML codes to get some formatting going. The strange thing is the RTF editor is working.

Some things were working better in IE8 than in Safari or Firefox but not everything alas… One very nice thing to mention is performance which is great! My macbook with parallels and windows 7 performs twice as fast minimum!

UPDATE: when I was running the 32bit IE8 version all bug mentioned above were solved: so the quick and easy solution is to use the 32bit version and not the 64bit version of IE8!

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