Marketing Analytics

CIOnet and Again Big Data

This afternoon I visited the last CIOnet meeting before the holiday season. The subject again was Big Data. The organization had some great foresight in planning this session a few days after all big research companies like Gartner and McKinsey published some great reports on this topic.

The session started with Edgar Heijmans, programdirector at the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Edgar has a long track record with IT within the government. He made a critical warning that combining data not always leads to the correct insights. Precautions should be made to get real valuable insights that match with reality. Job Witteman, CEO of AMS-ix, took over and talked about the business of the AMS-ix. They actually connect 1,3TB of data per second on peaks every day! AMS-is is the dataport of the Netherlands and is an important asset for our country and Amsterdam to attract all sorts of creative internet companies. The session ended with a speech of Daniel Erasmus, CEO of DTN and NewsConsole. He talked about radical different thinking in architecture to setup a bigdata environment. A doghouse looks nice and is stable when it is normal size. When you use the same structure but make it 1000 times larger it will collapse. This means new ways to think about architecture. We ended up in a nice discussion about traditional databases and new concepts like Hadoop.

Conclusion is that Big Data is here to stay and can provide valuable insights combining more information. We are generating more data than ever before and the volume of data will continue to grow. We need new concepts and new skills to give businesses valuable insights that will increase productivity and ultimately profit!

Job shared a nice video on the work and role of the internet exchange!


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